Today, i went to the city in hopes of finding a replacement for Inez's G String *GUITAR string. For all my musical accessories satisfactions,I always go to my favorite music store in Melbourne, which is Allans Music Store in Bourke Street.
*ah....G String.....
It's a huge store and they have all things related to music there! Acoustic Electric Guitars of many manufactures, Basses, Drums & Percussions, Grand Pianos, Keyboards, Amps, Books, PA & Recording needs, all kinds of accesories, even i think they sell screws especially for guitars! *well...maybe not...but i think i saw them....
Another reason why I went looking for single guitar strings there is because as far as i know now, they're the only store that sells single strings individually. That means, i can buy 1 string without having to buy the whole 6 strings that they usually sell already in packages. But unfortunately, sometimes they don't have every string available. So i might be looking for a G string, and they don't have any left or out of stock.
Luckily, I was able to find it and i also bought my self my first string winder! *for those who don't know what a string winder is, it's a thing that helps to wind the tuning machine of the guitar. and after all the struggles with nature who got me all wet and tired all the way home,*it was raining and i was going by bike to go back home! i finally made it safe and sound with all my wishlist of the day completed!
*Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome my first ever String Winder!
Having the right equipments was only the beginning. It's using them correctly to the guitar was my REAL CHALLENGE!
For any newbie guitarists, in my opinion, one of the most challenging thing to begin to deal with is replacing old strings with new ones. Trust me, i failed MANY TIMES and ended up BRAKING THE STRING when adjusting them. Just recently when I was changing the strings, i broke TWO OF MY NEW STRINGS * money....wasted..... all because I didn't do it properly.
Luckily i found a website that has a video of how to do it right.
Trust me, it's not as easy as it looks...and what makes it even worse is when you don't have a comfortable place to do them!
so then.....this was what i did......
*oh God do i look stupid there...
The string winder wasn't really much help because it's still new so it doesn't rotates as smoothly as the one that the guy in the previous video has. So, in the end I used my hands to wind the machine and my teeth to hold the string tightly because the string was very loose in the machine.*well...i didn't necessecerily have to do that....i guess i was just too frustrated to think back then.... Hopefully by the time i have to change the whole strings again, I'll do it the right way :D
At least now i can have dates with Inez again every night until the next changing of her strings! :D and hopefully it won't be as much trouble as it was then....
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